Brian Hoekstra

Executive, engineer, and Entrepreneur in Scottsdale, AZ and Carmel, CA

Brian Hoekstra

Executive, engineer, and Entrepreneur in Scottsdale, AZ and Carmel, CA

Read my resume/CV

I have four decades of laser, photonics and materials science experience in private industry, government, and academia. In short, I deliver photons and quantum solutions for a host of applications worldwide.

My passion for bringing new technology from the laboratory to the marketplace combined with a track record of growing companies has uniquely positioned me to help guide today's technology leaders.

I currently split my time between Silicon Valley, Arizona and Europe serving as an advisor, director or investor for a number of high tech ventures. This allows me to stay close to the most recent innovations and market trends while utilizing my expertise to help realize future devices and solutions.

I was born in Hawaii, grew up in the Asia-Pacific region, and have lived in over 20 different states and countries. I’m a lifelong student of foreign languages, history, theology, science and the arts. I enjoy public speaking, lecturing, and writing about a variety of topics, especially science, philosophy and theology.

My avocations include travel, hiking, golf, writing, computers, and electronics. On any given weekend, you are likely to find me visiting a winery, exploring a new hiking trail, or attending a Red Sox or Patriots game. Although I've enjoyed a successful career as an Air Force officer, NASA executive, and entrepreneur, my favorite title, by far, is that of "Pake", which is Dutch for grandfather.

  • Work
    • Solavera Development Group
  • Education
    • United States Air Force Academy
    • Illinois Institute of Technology
    • University of Dayton
    • Air Force Institute of Technology